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HMGS Videos

This page provides access to HMGS' video library and includes links to other videos
we believe may be of interest to our members and other wargaming fans.
A small selection of our War College videos are available below,
our other War College lectures are available on our HMGS War College page.

General HMGS Videos

War College Videos

Other Interesting Videos

LittleWarsTV Report on Fall In! 2019

The History of Wargaming - Paul Westermeyer
July 11, 2019 @ Historicon
Learn about the history of war gaming from its earliest days in the ancient world through computer simulations, focusing on the ways commercial wargames and military training wargames have inspired each other.

Introduction to Our Friends at Little Wars TV - check out their YouTube channel. Lots of great videos of games, rules reviews, terrain tips, etc.

LittleWarsTV Report on Historicon 2019

Hannibal and the Second Punic War - Nikolas Lloyd
July 11, 2019 @ Historicon
Hannibal is considered by many historians to be the greatest ever general, and his methods are still studied in officer-training schools today. Again and again he defeated the Romans, until the Romans gave up trying to fight him. But who was he really? How much do we really know? Was he the cruel invader, the gallant liberator, or the military obsessive? In the end, why did he lose?

New York Wargamers ROCK!
The New York Wargamers Association on the joys of wargaming by Ruth Chon and Andrea Terry - 2007.

LittleWarsTV Report on Cold Wars 2019

Historical Gaming in the Classroom - A How to Guide from both the Teacher and Student Perspective - Jared Fishman/Dillon Schaevitz
July 13, 2019 @ Historicon
Since 2008, the Hackley School in Tarrytown, NY has been a model and leader in terms of historical gaming both inside and outside the classroom. This seminar will focus on how the game club started, why it is valuable, and more importantly, the benefits of other schools adopting a similar model. Teacher Jared Fishman and student Dillon Schaevitz will share their experiences and run a game based around the Franco-Prussian War later in the day.

Historicon 2019 Venue Preview

LittleWarsTV interview with
Scott Landis
, President 2018
Historical Miniatures Gaming Society
July 14, 2018